Disability Services
Independent Living: Senior Blind Program
2 min read

This program provides training and other services to older blind individuals who want to continue living at home. The training can be done in your own home, or you may go to the Michigan Commission for the Blind Training Center located in Kalamazoo. The services offered through this program are designed to help you be as independent as possible. Services include:

  • Information and referral: Get information about other programs and resources for the blind.
  • Orientation and mobility: Learn how to get around your home and community by keeping track of where you are in relation to your environment, using a cane, and/or working with guide dogs.
  • Adaptive aids and appliances: Learn how to use adaptive devices, such as talking glucose meters and audio reading services. You can also learn Braille and other communication methods.
  • Daily living skills: Get tips and training on how to do everyday activities, such as organizing your kitchen and labeling your food in order to cook safely. You can also learn how to fold money in a way that lets you know what value is on each bill.
  • Leisure activities: Learn new ways to participate in activities that low vision makes difficult, such as playing board games, sewing, and reading.
  • Peer support groups: Meet other people who are blind or have low vision to share information and experiences.

How do I apply?

To find out how to apply, please contact the Michigan Commission for the Blind. You can call the central office at 1-800-292-4200 (toll-free) or 1-517-241-8631. You can also contact or visit the local offices if there is one near you.

Frequently Asked Questions

See What Key Benefits Programs You May Qualify For

BenefitsCheckUp can help you assess whether you can get help from programs before you apply. Answer questions anonymously to find out if you may be eligible for key benefits programs, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicare Savings Programs, Medicaid, Medicare Part D Low Income Subsidy (LIS) - Extra Help, among others. 

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