Aging In Place
CHORE Services
1 min read

This program provides you with home maintenance and minor repairs. Services may include:

  • Maintenance work: Minor plumbing and electrical work, changing of storm doors and screens, installing window plastic, changing furnace filters, cleaning gutters, replacing locks, and installing smoke alarms
  • Seasonal assistance: Grass cutting, leaf raking, and snow removal

The type of services available may be different depending on where you live. Additionally, service is limited and therefore will be given on a priority basis for people who have the greatest need.

How do I apply?

To find out if the service is available in your area, you should contact your local office. Not all Area Agencies on Aging will provide chore services.

Frequently Asked Questions

See What Key Benefits Programs You May Qualify For

BenefitsCheckUp can help you assess whether you can get help from programs before you apply. Answer questions anonymously to find out if you may be eligible for key benefits programs, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicare Savings Programs, Medicaid, Medicare Part D Low Income Subsidy (LIS) - Extra Help, among others. 

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