Food & Nutrition
Texas Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
10 min read

You may be eligible to receive


in SNAP benefits. Click to apply online below and get help paying for food.

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) helps many older adults and young families pay for food. Once you're approved to receive SNAP benefits in Texas, the government will issue your funds through an electronic benefits transfer card (or EBT card).

An EBT card looks and works like a prepaid debit card. It can be used at grocery stores across Texas and at some online retailers to buy foods that are SNAP-eligible. Some farmers markets throughout the Lone Star State also participate in SNAP, and you can use your EBT card there as another form of payment.

Frequently asked questions

How does SNAP work?

Formerly known as Food Stamps, SNAP benefits allow many older adults, people with disabilities, and other Texas residents to stretch their budget further. This is because the money they would have spent on food can now be spent on other important needs—such as utilities, prescriptions, and health care.

What is the SNAP application process like in Texas?

While you may think applying for SNAP is too complex or time-consuming, it isn’t as difficult as you might expect. To apply for SNAP in Texas, print and fill out the paper application as described below and mail it to your local office. You can also apply online, or by calling your state hotline at 877-541-7905 to see if you can apply by phone. 
The process you could expect when applying for SNAP:
  1. Submit your SNAP application. (anywhere from 30-45 minutes)
  2. Answer any follow-up questions to complete your application and get prepared for your SNAP interview. (up to 30 days to process)
  3. Conduct your SNAP interview. (within 6 to 9 weeks after submitting your application)
  4. Await your SNAP benefits decision (within 6 to 9 weeks after submitting your application)
  5. Use your EBT card to purchase food at grocery stories, qualifying online retailers, and at farmer's markets. (after getting your SNAP benefits decision)

How do I know if I'm eligible for SNAP?

In Texas, the amount of SNAP benefits you may receive depends on:
  • Money you get from your job or other income you receive, like Social Security
  • How many people live with you
  • Any assets you have (for example, cash or property)
The following chart are maximum monthly income limits that most people or families can earn and still be eligible for SNAP in Texas. These figures are effective for 2024 (Oct. 1, 2024 – Sept. 30, 2025). You can use the site you’re currently on to check your eligibility—just scroll up and click on the black button on the right that says ‘See If You May Be Eligible.’
Family size Maximum monthly income in Texas
1 $1,255
2 $1,704
3 $2,152
4 $2,600
5 $3,049
For each additional person, add: +$449

How do I prepare to apply?

While applying for SNAP in Texas, you’ll be asked for important information to help decide the amount of SNAP benefits you get.

Before you start, be sure to gather the following to make your Texas SNAP application process easier:

  • Documentation that may be required:
    • Identification
    • Social Security
    • Paystubs
    • Pension
    • Immigration status
    • Proof you live in Texas (utility bill, etc.)
  • Other information you may need to provide:
    • Life insurance information
    • Bank statements
    • Living expenses, such as what you pay for housing (rent or mortgage), natural gas, water, phone (showing that your basic living expenses are 50% or more of your income)
    • Medical expenses that are more than $35 per month (these expenses could help you if you receive more benefits through medical deductions)
While you may be worried about sharing your personal information, you should know that SNAP applications are protected by special security technology that keeps your information 100% private.

How do I apply for SNAP in Texas?

The time it takes to complete an application depends on the type of application you choose to use. Read below to learn more about which option might be right for you.

For online applications it can take 35 minutes to an hour to complete your SNAP application.

This process includes:

  • Creating your online account: Though not required (there is an “apply without an account” option), it’s highly recommended to create an online account so you can easily log in to check your application status, report changes to your case, renew your benefits, among other important tasks. This part takes 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Filling out your online application: During this step of the process, you’ll fill in important information including uploading documents that are required for eligibility. This part takes 30 to 45 minutes.
Apply Online
Once you’re done applying online, your waiting period for your SNAP benefits decision could take 6 to 9 weeks. Here’s what you could expect after you apply online for SNAP in Texas:
  • Receive a phone call from the Commission, where you’ll be asked follow-up questions.
  • Receive a letter from the Commission with requests for additional information or documentation.
  • Receive a letter notifying you that you have been approved and included will be your award amount.
If you decide to apply using a paper application, there are two types that are offered: A ‘normal’ SNAP application and a ‘Texas simplified SNAP application’. Both processes are described below.

Applying for SNAP Using the Normal Paper Application

For normal SNAP paper applications it can take 30-45 minutes to complete your application.  This process includes:
  • Downloading the application here on BenefitsCheckUp.
  • Completing the application on paper. Note that you only need to complete sections labeled for “SNAP Food Benefits”.
  • Gathering related documentation.
  • Mailing it in. Note that we recommend using certified mail.
Download the Normal Application
Once you’re done applying using a normal SNAP paper application, you can expect the same waiting period and communication as you would if you applied online.

Applying for SNAP Using the "Simplified" Paper Application

For Texas simplified SNAP paper applications it can take 30-45 minutes to complete your application.
This process includes:
  • Confirming that you are eligible to submit the simplified SNAP application. This application is for people who are 60 or older and live with people who are 60 or older, or if you’re living with a disability. 
  • Downloading the simplified application.
  • Completing the application on paper. 
  • Gathering related documentation.
  • Mailing it in. Note that we recommend using certified mail.
Get the Texas Simplified Application
Like the normal SNAP paper application, you can expect the same waiting period and communication as you would if you applied online.

How can I get help with my application?

There are multiple options available should you need help filling out your Texas SNAP application. You can: 
NCOA also has a HelpLine that you can call to get free support. To get started today, call 1-855-534-1245.

What happens after I apply for SNAP in Texas?

It can take up to 30 days to process your Texas SNAP application and then 6 to 9 weeks to get your SNAP benefits decision. Soon after you apply, someone from your local SNAP agency should call you to make an appointment for a SNAP interview.
What can I expect during my SNAP interview?
The purpose of the SNAP interview is not to trip you up or to try to disqualify you from this food assistance program. It is simply to double-check the information you already provided.
The goal of the SNAP interview is to make sure your application is complete, correct, and ready for approval.
You can expect to answer questions like:
  • What is your full name and birthday?
  • What is your Social Security number?
  • Where do you live? (You can still qualify if you are houseless.)
  • Are you a U.S. citizen? (You may still qualify if you are a noncitizen.)
  • What is your monthly income?
  • Do you pay utilities, such as an electric bill or cable TV bill?
  • What other regular bills do you have?
How can I prepare for my SNAP interview?
Use the list of SNAP interview questions above and picture yourself responding to them. Imagine how it feels to answer with confidence. Practice makes perfect! If you live with someone else, have them ask you these questions. If you live alone, you could sit in front of a mirror.
What else should I do after I apply for SNAP?
Here are actions you MUST do after you apply and if you get approved:
  • Review all correspondence in a timely manner. Watch your mail for correspondence from HHS and be sure to reply quickly enough to meet deadlines.
  • Make sure to follow-up on the requests you receive for documentation.
  • Report changes to your address, phone number, or income within 10 days of the change. You can do this by updating it online or by calling 211
Here are actions you may have to do depending on your situation:
  • If you applied through a ‘simplified’ application, it renews every 3 years, so plan ahead.
  • If you’re employed, you might have to renew your SNAP benefits every 3 months. To do this, you should expect to receive a renewal form in the mail or in your account online.
  • If you are disabled, but not receiving Social Security, you may need to provide a doctor’s statement. A form will be mailed to you or the doctor to complete.
  • If you receive assistance paying your living expenses, you may need to provide information on who provides the assistance and the amounts of payments. 
See What Key Benefits Programs You May Qualify For

BenefitsCheckUp helps assess whether you can get help from programs before you apply. Answer questions anonymously to find out if you may be eligible for key benefits assistance, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Medicare Savings Programs, Medicaid, Medicare Part D Low Income Subsidy (LIS) - Extra Help, among others. 

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