Transit-Biddeford, Saco, Old Orchard Beach: Public Bus System-Zoom Express
2 min read

Please make sure to contact Transit-Biddeford, Saco, Old Orchard Beach: Public Bus System-Zoom Express to confirm details of their transportation services.

Provides rides for any purpose, to all people, and no membership is required.

Public Bus System-Zoom Express is an accessible public transit program designed to provide convenient and affordable transportation options for older adults. With fare options ranging from $2 for local routes to $5 for express services, this program offers flexibility to suit various travel needs and budgets. For frequent travelers, monthly caps are available, with rates capped at $60 for local routes, $120 for express services, and $150 for Zoom premium rides. Participants in this program can conveniently pay for their rides using various methods, including check, credit card, or cash. The program's shared ride feature promotes a sense of community while also reducing individual travel costs. While the transportation services follow fixed routes on a regular schedule, participants have the option to schedule deviations with a 2-hour advance notice, ensuring personalized travel arrangements when needed. Whether older adults need to run daily errands, attend appointments, or simply explore the city, Public Bus System-Zoom Express offers a reliable and user-friendly transportation solution to support their mobility and independence.

Service Area

Biddeford, Saco, Old Orchard Beach, Portland, Scarborough, UNE Campus Center, Maine Mall, and other areas along service routes

Days of operation

Monday Open
Tuesday Open
Wednesday Open
Thursday Open
Friday Open
Saturday Open
Sunday Open

Contact Transit-Biddeford, Saco, Old Orchard Beach: Public Bus System-Zoom Express

138 Main Street
Saco, ME 04072
(207) 282-5408

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